Kronicle: backcountry snowboarding magazine

I was stoked to learn there would be a magazine dedicated to backcountry snowboarding. To find out I was IN the Winter 2012 premiere issue made it all the more sweeter! Kronicle is published by Height of Land Publications, the same folks who bring us Alpinist, Telemark Skier and Backcountry magazine.
OK, so they made me an ‘After Thought’ – the last page of editorial in the magazine. In the shot I’m doing a Method Air, which was still sorta cool in 1985 (I suppose a reverse rocket would’ve been cooler). Fellow bitness writer, photog and best bud Jason snapped the picture when we were kids on a back-hill in our home town of White Plains, New York. The point of the article is that local hills are where backcountry snowboarding began.
The contents of this premiere issue of Kronicle, both the editorial and the imagery, are top notch. Kronicle covers two topics in this issue that were both on the table for future articles – split boards and ‘No-boarding’ (snowboarding without bindings) and frankly, they just made our research a little easier.
Hit your local Barnes & Noble, EMS, REI or local board shop to see if they carry Kronicle, or order it online and subscribe. If you enjoy snowboarding and don’t do backcountry (but maybe like to hit the glades) it’s well worth the read and the images are guaranteed to get you amped for the coming season – I’m already booked for Utah in 2 weeks!
Posted by: Lawrence
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