Power Skater – Dry Land Skate Training

Ah the Power Skater. I’ve been hearing about this beauty from a friend of mine for months. With minimal confusion, we got it set-up on the patio the other day. Lucky for us the assembled Power Skater fit through standard doorways, because being the two jackasses that we are, it was destined to be used in the house and needed to be carried inside.
My friend’s wife was not to thrilled with his idea of the Power Skater being placed in the family room. Seemed like a reasonable objection, so down to the finished basement we went where it can be used by him and his hockey playing son while watching Miracle over and over again.
The Power Skater improves skating strength and technique and is in use by many professional hockey teams, including numerous NHL teams. My friend and I are both into balance sports, yet both of us found it difficult to feel coordinated on the Power Skater – that’s a good thing. Balance, power, speed, endurance and stride length are all developed using this trainer.
Available for purchase online for $780, the Power Skater may not turn you into Wayne Gretzky, one of the Hanson Brothers or even Happy Gilmore, but you can become the strongest skater you can be and have an ass like a rock to boot.
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