New England’s Lost Ski Areas

Many climatologists and armchair experts have stated that geographically, the only reliable part of the country to run a ski operation 25-50 years from will be at altitudes found only in parts out West. Does this mean it will not snow in New England in 25-50 years? Probably not, but with global warming who the hell knows – it’s late October in New England and 80 degrees outside!
You can rely however, on the sad but simple fact that more mountains will close in New England (and all over the East coast) in the coming years, adding to the approximately 600 ski areas already lost.
A site called the New England Lost Ski Area Project ( is a guide to lost ski areas that may be in your backyard and you never even knew it! Here in Rhode Island I can see Yawgoo Valley ski area lit-up at night from my house. I couldn’t imagine that RI could possibly have another mountain, but NELSAP showed me the way to 4 more!
Outside of RI there are far more areas in Massachusetts and Connecticut and of course Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. If publicly accessible, they can serve as a great way to introduce yourself to a backcountry-like experience, with the proper precautions of course.
If you live in New England and are thinking about what to do on a snowy day this coming winter, consider a new adventure in your own backyard!
Posted by: Lawrence
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