Alaia First Field Test

I took the Alaia out today for the first time. I had been surfing my longboard in about shoulder-high surf for over an hour and was anxious to run back to the car to get it. When I finally popped in the water with it I sunk like a stone. I spent the next 15 minutes or so trying to figure out the balance point and how to paddle it without it sliding from under me.
Once I felt comfortable controlling the board and paddling around, I walked into about waist high and belly-rode a dozen waves – FUN. I felt like I could turn it and was feeling more confident. I tried to stand but admittedly couldn’t – not this time out. I sort of stood, but nothing where I was actually riding so much as sinking. In the right conditions and I’ll get up on the Alaia and ride it.
The board became a conversation piece on the beach and in the parking lot. After I answered a litany of questions from one older guy he said I’d have the whole speech down-pat soon. Another guy told me he made an Alaia this winter using cedar and suggested I round the bottom rails. I’ve not heard or read this anywhere – always thought the rail should be knifey on the bottom? He was impressed with the board and that I had Paulownia wood – I told him where he can buy it.
Posted by: Lawrence
I’ve been looming on your blog here for some time now (~8 months). I’m 26/m funboard surfer and have been catching the alaia fever, so to speak. I would like to craft my own alaia soon as well. None the less, I had been waiting to hear how your first experience was on your alaia. I would have assumed most people would have a great deal of trouble catching or even paddling their boards. I’m only 170lbs at 5’9″…so I’m average and I know I would sink. Anyway, thought I’d say hi and that I admire your passion for the board and surfing as a whole. Perhaps one day soon I”ll be able to craft my own alaia!! I can’t wait to hear about you how your first stand-up rides go! Enjoy your prone experiecnes in the mean time. I can only imagine how great it feels.
Cranford, New Jersey, USA
Check out Steven’s stick – well done!