Garmin offers Mac OS X PIO Loader, updater

Garmin has released new beta versions of its POI loader and Unit Software Updater, enabling Garmin GPS (Global Positioning System) users to download and install software updates using a Mac and a USB connection. The POI (Point Of Interest) Loader for Mac Beta allows users to load custom points of interest into a GPS unit, accepting input files downloaded from the internet or created custom. Users can configure the unit to produce alerts when they are within a certain distance of a point or are driving over a certain speed near any given point to warn about upcoming school zones, red lights, and speed cameras. POI Loader for Mac Beta is available as a free download, requiring Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
Source: macnn
I will be following your reoprt on your new GPS as I am waiting for my 305 to get here. It was my birthday gift to myself this year. No big whoop. I read an article in the newspaper (stars and stripes) yesterday that talked about our satellites in space and how their age may become a factor in sending accurate data to our GPS’s here on earth. I’m in the military and we rely on them a lot for the mission. Just a heads up in case you get reading that are off by some. Happy running.